"Meanwhile, there were 7 million relatively well-paid vocationally orientated jobs which employers simply couldn’t fill in 2019."

If there is a datum which should outrage one and all it is that one. Who is in favor of this? From Bernie to the Koch brothers, and from Hillary to David Duke, who believes that it is good for working people to live in hopeless demi-poverty while industry goes begging for workers? Give me absolute power for one day and I'm going to find some scapegoat for the above and shoot him against a brick wall. Then install AOC as commissar of ... na, fuck, that won't work ... strike a royal commission to find someone who can take charge of it. They say the Swiss train their people for real life in a real economy designed to benefit those same real people. Rotten commies.

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Jul 28, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen

I think violence in America and the threat to police is overblown. Yes, there are several relatively small areas that are regularly violent, typically those occupied by criminal enterprises offering for sale to a demanding clientele that which authoritarians foolishly prohibit. Most police never deal with an armed criminal, nor have to draw their arms. Stats make it seem like everyone is in danger, but it's quite concentrated.

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Jul 27, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen

This isn't particularly new; I distinctly remember Blacks (and Democrats) insisting on stronger sentencing for crack cocaine back in the 80s. 20 years later, they were complaining about the sentencing disparities - disparities that they themselves insisted on!

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