Jan 4Liked by Geary Johansen

Industrialization, initially, did nothing to allieviate poverty. Conditions for workers were terrible and it took a combination of government regulation and trade unions (and I am by no means a fan of unions) to win decent conditions for workers.

To my mind the concept of personal agency is a recent invention though. The greater number of people have always been happier with being directed. Here I share Dostoevsky's Grand Inquisitor's view. People don't necessarily want agency. You and me might do so but most don't.

The issue to my mind revolves around narcissism. This is becoming more and more prevalent. Anyone can claim victimhood and the means of measurement are irrational. However, things are actually getting better. Counter-intuitively violence is actually down and societies are safer than before.

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Jan 4Liked by Geary Johansen

> I couldn’t find the psychological system I was looking for, but it’s an approach which asks the individual to look at every aspect of their life

But men are expendable. The best of us focus our whole energy on something heavy and try to move it. But civilization benefits from our achievements. The best of us have no time for happiness or 'balance', we have mountains to climb. Think of the absolute commitment of the great scientists. Einstein once said that he couldn't answer the question whether he was happy or not and it made no difference because it wasn't even relevant to his life. You could say he was atomized but that's exactly what he was designed to be. And we have General Relativity.

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FWIW, you and Ray back at Quillette turned me on to a lot of these urgent social issues way before any of my other lefty friends started to notice that their intellectual framework is increasingly creaky.

Glad to see you are still a voice of reason guys!

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Is it 'locus of control' that you are describing Geary? Internal (I can control this outcome) vs. external (this outcome is predetermined for me, I can't control it)?

Or is this more about the choice of prioritizing one aspect of life over others (in which, I don't know that one).

Locus of control was trendy in education before DEI took completely over, and it's a valuable framework for mental health work. The worst case scenario is a sort of 'learned helplessness' which I think could be likened to chronic depression. The person who has given up, because nothing they do matters anyway'.

The irony of this being replaced by DEI is that DEI reinforces these external loci of control at the expense of internal loci. It's institutional - therefore unavoidable, inescapable.

I hadn't heard the term 'civilizational atomisation' before, but I describes a trend I've been observing too.

The declining state of mental health across WEIRD countries is undeniable right now. I think you nicely described one of the major causes - the loss of agency.

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Jan 4Liked by Geary Johansen

More true than many may recognize. Answering this in an essay as comments are just that.

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