Oct 7, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen

Diversity is a wonderful thing. The race based discrimination promoted by Democrats is horrific. In this they are consistent with their 200+ years of history. The sad fact is that once they assume complete power, their useful idiots will be thrown overboard as has happened in every other National Socialist regime once power was consolidated.

Tyranny has never been a friend of diversity, nor can it be.

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Oct 10, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen



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the state of being diverse; variety.

"there was considerable diversity in the style of the reports"


the practice or quality of including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc.

"equality and diversity should be supported for their own sake"

OK. But where from and why has it become a more socially ordained construct? Has it really achieved this?

For it seems that diversity in a word is not clearly definable. It means something very different to each and all of us and a lot of this depends upon what we gain or lose from the loosely termed definitions of its directive. So we're best perhaps to see it as conducive toward a multicultural globalised world. In this respect it seems about conforming to a set of evolving changes directed long term toward a world society that is somewhat colourless, sexless and classless. If diversity is to be fully accepting of all as one and normalising all differences to a point of not seeing or of not feeling differences then the forward projection seems a goal set in sameness rather than one of loving others for their differences. That is not a fine line difference; that is a gulf.

In a certain context I'm pretty much a lived experience of diversity in that I'm from mixed parents and have a child of mixed race. An Asian wife. I have a business and I'm a self-employed freelancer and I employ and mix with different classes of people. I've spent almost 7 out of my 52 years abroad in adventure travel. But I chose to do all this before such social terms as diversity became specific ideal preferences of individual outcome. In that context I feel free to describe that lived experience as free association without design other than the liberty to explore, accept, evolve and participate. But never because it was specifically expected of people.

There is just this feeling of force in the popularised updated and promulgated version of a word that beforehand used to have a very extended diverse meaning within it. A natural diversity let's say. Now it's an order to accept minorities and sacrifice adaption from tradition to yield a new societal order that is inclusive of opening borders to accommodate and accelerate such a transformation. So in many respects we had a rich diversity in existence before it gave way to a titled and designed construct. It all depends upon context.

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“ a team of diverse members with above average abilities will outperform a team of high flyers which is not diverse, at most, but not all, problem-solving tasks.”

Maybe that’s why most of the intentionally-constructed famous rock and roll supergroups never panned out.

“ A car mechanic is likely to provide valuable insights into a robotic AI project for the simple reason that he is more likely to possess a working knowledge of electrics and electronics, and have a high aptitude for physical engineering.”

This is very true. It’s important for engineers to get the input of the technicians and line workers who have to implement their designs. Some of the biggest engineering failures come from a lack of practical experience.

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Oct 11, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen

I'm afraid you'll get pre-K so government can "educate and socialize" your child without parental involvement, but we'll see less choice. Some people seem to think it wise to require two incomes instead of one just to live, while allowing government to raise children instead of parents.

If diversity improves performance, it is natural that it will take place without any force required to make it happen, as if people prefer one size fits none or groupthink to better outcomes.

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Oct 7, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen

Now that is controversial - the American class system - but true. Politically though, I would say it all balances out. However, neither party is focusing on the decision makers in America and by playing to the gallery they are not impressing the centre. This is where American elections are won and lost.

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