An excellent and thoughtful piece. This takes me back to Ivan Illich and 'De-schooling society'. Schooling is a difficult subject to get right mainly, I think, because the emphasis is on education. The socialization and preparation for future society is rather swept under the carpet.

To introduce child-centred learning before the age of 16 is really taking a risk. Whilst there are children who are mature enough to benefit from this approach they are in a minority. Most need the structure and formal style of the more traditional approach. As a noted child psychologist once explained to me most children actually welcome structure and limits and respect and value those teachers who give these elements to them.

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Excellent comment. I know this may seem like an odd comparison, but there are great parallels between children and dogs. Dogs with authoritative masters are always happier- because they love the systems of rewards which stem from good behaviour- a play at a certain time, a treat when they come when called and a lengthy fuss last thing at night.

Humans and dogs are quite similar in many ways- we are both deeply social animals, even though humans have learned to cooperate in more creative and abstract ways. I feel as sorry for dogs with bad owners as I do for children with parents who don't have the skills. Although on balance, the dogs are only nervous and unhappy because they don't have boundaries, the children are being set up for a world which wont like them.

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I read The Knowledge Gap in 2019, and it is ‘tumbling down the rabbit hole’ ( https://www.breakingthecode.com/why-i-care-so-much-about-phonics/ ). Thank you for so eloquently expanding on a thought that has consumed me for two years: American education pedagogy explains the biggest share of the problems in our society . Not all, but damn.

For people new to this area I recommend Natalie Wexler’s very readable book, or at least articles by Robert Pondiscio: https://www.commentary.org/articles/robert-pondiscio/how-us-schools-became-obsessed-with-race/

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Oh wow! I'm a big Robert Pondiscio fan myself- have you read: https://www.the74million.org/article/pondiscio-i-just-wrote-a-book-about-success-academy-charter-schools-it-does-not-support-your-preferred-narrative-i-hope-you-hate-it/ ? The title is 'Pondiscio: I Just Wrote a Book About Success Academy Charter Schools. It Does Not Support Your Preferred Narrative. I Hope You Hate It'. Just about sums it up.

One of my favourite books on education is Seven Myths about Education by Daisy Christodoulou- it's only a short bool, just over a hundred pages long, but it does a pretty good job of covering Cognitive Load Theory at a very basic level and is actually quite hilarious in at least a couple of instances. I am also a greater admirer of British Headteacher Katherine Birbalsingh- here is her talking about how smartphones increase the divisions between rich and poor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9G91eUJCeTY - it is a short segment of a longer podcast available at Triggernometry.

Her digital detox campaign was pretty prophetic given the recent Facebook revelations- but her reason for doing it was because of the harms it inflicted on children's ability to study and achieve with their schoolwork, as well as the fact that several teenagers in her area had died as a result of insulting the wrong people over social media. The moral panic of the almost non-existent threat of child abduction is crazy when one considers the far more substantial threat of unsupervised access for teenagers to the internet and from social media.

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Phew! InFORMative. :)

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I have got to say this has been my experience. I got my students to exceed on their standardized tests only

To be reprimanded during a data walk “too much teacher talk”.

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Same thing happened to me two years ago, Exhausted - but wait. In the CPD last week, we were asked to study how a "knowledge-rich curriculum" could improve students' learning. Is the pendulum beginning to swing back?

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Well, that sounds great! It looks like somebody higher up the chain has either been paying attention to few highly influential headteachers (like Katherine Birbalsingh here in the UK), or they've done a more in-depth reading of Cognitive Load Theory. Key is the understandable that working memory is puny and, in order to perform most cognitively challenging tasks, one needs to draw upon useable knowledge stored in long-term memory.

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Not very constructive in their criticism- were they?

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So I’m probably one of your younger readers who most recently went through public school. Luckily, I had some rigorous teachers and two parents who pushed my sister and I hard academically. But I did encounter plenty of Dewey-inspired progressive education. Emphasis on “letting children learn independently” etc.

My 4th grade teacher in particular was in to this (she was fired after 1 year). We sat in those desk pods you mentioned and generally got to fool around a lot. Her favorite thing was having us do “Nature Watch,” which was supposed to be instructional time outside, learning about the environment. Us kiddos knew better. We had recess twice! Just the second recess, we got to play in the creek instead of on the playground. Even better!

Anyway, I’m probably in the camp of being gifted with too much overconfidence myself. At least I know about Dunning-Kruger. Hopefully if I can laugh at myself a little I’ll turn out all right in the end.

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Well, when I talk about educational theorists and teachers it's important to acknowledge that educational ideas only filter through in a generational manner, because a lot of the older or better teachers only pay lip service to the theory coming through, and instead focus on what works with their kids.

I know a Canadian progressive teacher called Jeremy who often still reads my work and his care for his kids means that he is always looking for ways to improve his style and content- so it is important to recognise the human and individual in the mess of ideology. He taught me a lot about not judging a whole bloc of people just by their labels- his view of the ideology was as an empathy-building tool (which would be fine if that was all that it was, or even what its main goal was).

A good example of the way theory only influences slowly is Finland. It is often held up as the gold standard of progressive education (by Michael Moore, for example), but in fact they hit their zenith in performance when their teaching was a fair bit more traditional, and since progressive educational ideas have become more influential, their PISA scores have started to decline. The generally progressive model examples held up in documentaries are not the ones responsible achieving the outstanding results- for that we need to look to the more rural and parochial schools into which progressive ideas are filtering more slowly.

Unfortunately, this is also a source of the inequality in K-12 as well. Because teachers tend to usually migrate out to the suburbs and rural areas as they grow older. Don't get me wrong- the teachers who can stick it out in the inner city can be exceptional, because a lot educating educators tends to focus more on theory rather than practice, it leads to a sink or swim dynamic, and only those who can swim tend to stick it out for any length of time.

But wanting to teach 'empathy' rather than Maths, English and Science is comparing the cake to the icing, and often false dichotomies such as the differentiation between skills and knowledge (a skill is just knowledge which it is easier to demonstrate and then get someone to imitate) can actually hamper educational efforts. In reality the difference lies between knowledge and facts- the former is useful, the latter is only useful for the purposes of learning memorisation (it doesn't matter what you memorise, just that you learn to memorise).

The important thing about Dunning-Kruger is to never be afraid to admit what you don't know. Even in my core areas, I learn new stuff every day.

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I think it’s also fair to say that (and I speak from experience), few teachers are fully onboard with the progressive model and few are fully on the traditional model. Most teachers don’t know an insane amount of theory, but they’ve picked up ideas here and there. Thus, their teaching will be influenced by a mix of both. I certainly encountered teachers who wanted try experiments but also were willing to force us to do traditional assignments.

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The problem is not enough kids are learning their times tables and not enough are being taught phonics- don't get me wrong whole word should be taught as well, but the chances of developing into someone who reads for pleasure are severely limited if you haven't been taught phonics. It also advantages children with highly educated parents- because they naturally teach phonics at bedtime, which is unfair for children whose parents don't have the time resources or educational level.

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Right. My parents had advanced degrees and I was reading well before I went to school because of their influence.

Just as it happens, one of my memories from memorizing times tables in 3rd grade is a bit of an anecdote that runs counter to your point (though I think it’s the exception that proves the rule). One kid who struggled with discipline issues throughout childhood was very good with the times tables when we had to learn them. He was better than me (quicker). But of all the kids in the class, he was one of the ones who didn’t go to college, ended up working some random job and doing a lot of drugs (he occasionally was in trouble with the law I think). But his problem wasn’t intelligence (he was smart), it was discipline and a lack of work ethic. One of those kids who always has to rebel against “the system” or “the man.”

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Why do you think PISA scores are a good measure of the difference in quality between school systems?

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Because, ultimately tests are the only way to judge how capable an education system has rendered it's children. To be fair, it doesn't measure such things as creativity, but then it is a rare teacher indeed who can even begin to foster creativity- because you have to be at least capable of achieving modest commercial success yourself in order to be at all capable of teaching somebody else how to be a creative.

Personally, it wouldn't be appropriate to pass on my occasional successes in the realms of erotic fiction to a teenager- they might blow a gasket. The one exception I've found so far is poetry- I had one English teacher who was a published poet herself, who was quite useful in training me in the craft- but it almost impossible for anyone to make any money at poetry. The rare exceptions can be counted on two hands.

Of course, there are other things a teacher can impart. Critical thinking, a sense of gratitude and a sense of duty if they are smart- but many of these things are no longer fashionable. The one type of activist I do admire are those who work on individual cases of injustices.

The other thing we need to do is provide vocational training for kids who don't do well academically, preferably at 14 when they are not thoroughly disillusioned and when there is still the chance for soft coercion. Not only would it expose them to positive male role models, but the reason why there are such disparities by ethnicity is because communities with high rates of productive fathers are able to operate an informal kind of social safety net. Sine have referred to this problem as missing Einstein's- employment creates the conditions for stable families and stable families create the chance for higher parental engagement, as well as significantly reducing all manner of negative factors for cognitive development.

Plus, it would really help millennials desperate to buy and home a start a family- with more compact and bijou three bedroom starter homes, plus a libertarian system of planning it would be possible to create a lot of value in Western economies, create trade professional blue collar work and do it all without threatening the value boomers and Gen Xers have invested in their homes. Cul-de-sac style housing estates are also better for the purposes of planning public transport systems- less distance to walk than suburban sprawl. The are also safer places for children to roam freely- there is whole movement for free range play, because it essential for raising children into healthy, happy adults.

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Education has been incredibly slow to improve itself with tech. I've wondered why we don't create really great lesson plans with videos, games, self-testing and more that are engaging, can be repeated, don't require you to be sitting still in a boring classroom at a fixed time and being limited by the slowest of the kids (or pushed forward by smart ones before you understand), and can go from basic to very complex. Professional created materials should stand the test of time and all could benefit from them.

But, you wont get innovation very quickly if the government funds so much of it (with regulatory strings attached), and worse, directly operate it in choice-free schools for the young.

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Probably the best innovation that can help is automated marking facilities for children with consolidation homework, via phones and tablets. It would save the teacher a lot of time, it gives them a clear metric for when their lesson plans aren't penetrating, and gives the school a great means of tracking progress with the curriculum.

There should also be a bespoke online library for lessons online- which teachers could use it model their own lessons where appropriate. In the Seven Myths about Education book I mention earlier in the comments, an example was given of a lesson which earned high praise from Offsted (to UK's inspectorate of schools and classroom teaching). Kids were asked to make puppets for a Shakespeare play (I think it was Romeo and Juliet). Which is fine- but what the inspectors failed to recognise was that the kids were learning more about making puppets than they were about Shakespeare...

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have you heard of Synthesis: https://www.synthesis.com/approach

It's still pretty young, but a cool idea and start

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Looks great!

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