Hi Geary,

You seem to think that everyone - to some lower age limit you are uncertain about, but acknowledge the need for - should be vaccinated and that "vaccine hesitancy" is a bad thing.

You acknowledge "rising concerns" that even 100% (again, down to what age limit?) vaccination will not lead to herd immunity but this understates the certainty of the situation. On 2021-08-10 the Director of the Oxford Vaccine group (transcript link below) stated unequivocally that the vaccines cannot achieve herd immunity, because they are at best only marginally effective at reducing transmission. So it is reasonable to regard this as a settled fact - even though most people are not aware of this and are still operating according to the assumption that herd immunity can be achieved.

Pathologising those who choose not to accept a poorly tested invasive medical procedure as "vaccine hesitant" is just adding to the crapification of the world.

We absolutely do need free-wheeling, well-informed and well-intentioned debate about alternatives to the current "vaccines and nothing more until you need oxygen in hospital" approach.

I wrote a comment on this horrible new Quillette article which you can see on the main article page: https://quillette.com/2021/09/15/understanding-the-motivated-reasoning-of-anti-vax-refuseniks/

In the next few days I may make an expanded version of this for second Substack article, following on from the first which was also a response to a Quillette article. This contains a transcript of Professor Sir Andrew Pollard's evidence to the UK Parliament’s All-Party Group on Coronavirus:


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Sep 16, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen

Yes, indeed. Voluntary interactions are always better than forced ones except when responding to force with force. Nobody likes to be told what to do, but lots of people love to tell others how to behave, love "do as I say not as I do," and many love to submit to authority (it starts with parents, then moves on to teachers and other adults, law enforcement, churches, politicians).

The Quillette bit was childish because it stubbornly never even entertained the notion that some who do not want this novel vaccine is because they, like 99% of all Covid-positive people, got well with their immune response, and if you weren't in the high risk categories (old, poor immune function, obese), the rate is more like 99.9%. That sort of dishonesty in other people's views breeds mistrust as it's wise to distrust dishonesty.

It's like people who think the non-vaccinated must protect the vaccinated rather than the vaccine doing that. Or that you only want to be around other vaccinated people despite the fact that the vaccinated spread the virus all the same.

It's the continued faith in masks and lockdowns despite the CDC claiming a 1-3% improvement from them, the CDC and WHO NEVER recommending these as solutions to pandemics before, as we can all see how people don't actually do these well and few talk about N-95 masks instead and adding air filtering and outside air ventilation.

The forcing of people to return from around the world, stay home, get no exercise, get less quality food, lose their schools and free lunch programs, lose their social life, watch their elderly die alone, miss out on most other medical services, add massive stress/anxiety for losing jobs or their small businesses and not being able to pay your family's daily living, and forcing the sick elderly from hospitals back to nursing homes were the biggest factors that ensured the pandemic's spread and bad outcomes. Of course, the broken CDC test kit didn't help, nor their errors in understanding it spread through the air.

They reject the notions of flattened curves and reasonably short timelines originally presented. They care not about the myriad side harms to nearly all people over a bad health outcome for a small segment of the already unhealthy.

If you get rid of the use of force, we'd have actual discussions. But once you add force, you reject discussions and instead divide people and create more anxiety and hatred.

We're told many are just conspiracy thinking, yet marijuana remains a Schedule 1 Drug in the US, meaning is has no known medical use, while nearly all states allow medical marijuana and the FDA already approved marijuana based medicines. It does seem that propping up a big pharma vaccine rollout paid for by central planners using other people's money and then touting it as "free," while at the same time rejecting that recovery due to your natural immune response has any similar value.

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Sep 16, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen

I agree on the fact that Western governments made mistakes in managing the pandemic.

Still, the public's lack of trust comes from the combination of several factors that, as far I understand it, are unrelated to and pre-existing governement action and policies.

One factor is the collapse of scientific general culture among Western populations.

Another is the unbelievable power of social media regarding the spread of fake news, "alternative" truths, and rubbish in general, made even worse by algorythms reinforcing people's bogus beliefs.

These form the perfect cocktail for fear, charlatanism, and anti-science.

Add to that the mistake made by the media, which for months broadcast debates on covid between scientists, doctors, researchers who disagreed with each other while not knowing enough on the desease.

The process of scientific research, which inludes contradictory debates, doubt, long term analyses etc, should have remained within research labs and not exposed to the public as it was.

With all the controversies, heated debates fed by the media's pursuit of buzz, people got the impression that they could not trust science and scientists, and that is probably the worst tragedy of all.

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If you're going to begin the article like that, not sure how you can not link to the "CDC" statement in question, especially since to my knowledge one doesn't exist. There was a letter signed by a broad spectrum of "public health" professionals, but I don't remember it including anyone from the CDC and if it had it would've probably been "organizational affiliation for informational purposes only".

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Good stuff. It is worth noting though, many on the left are tired of the double standard asked of them to be the 'side' asked to rise above in debating ideological positions. Climate change denial was tolerated due to both-sidesism for a damagingly long time. Difficult to get one side to listen to the rational positions of the other when said side is going off the deep end - Q-anon, Texas, the California recall - there are so many extreme manifestations of right wing thinking right now. This, to me, dwarfs the threats of the 'woke left ' - hypocrisy, cancelations, language policing. Both sides are bad, but one side is actively trying to game democracy. and I see no self-critique in conservative circles, anywhere. like, please point me towards some, because I have looked for them. and trust me, I am experiencing a lot of pushback against woke orthodoxy as I return to work in person and again traveling in progressive circles. one side is more extreme right now by a significant margin.

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