Aug 16, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen

If only. The current trajectory here is mask mandates for everyone, vaccinated or not. And mandatory vaccination for everyone, down to at least 12 years old. And vaccination passports, even for interstate travel, eating in a restaurant, hell even showing your (masked) face in public. I have no fear of COVID, but I greatly fear that the loss of any semblance of freedom is the goal, not the consequence.

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Arguing for or against COVID-19 vaccines is missing the point.

Vaccines and lockdowns for COVID-19 are the third and fourth best approach for protecting individuals from harm and death and for suppressing transmission. Masks, social distancing, sterilizing hands etc. are of marginal value, but are not decisive.

The first and best approach is to get most people's 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels to at least the 50ng/ml 125nmol/L level their immune systems need to function. This has numerous other health benefits as well. Without supplementation, most people's levels are 5 to 25ng/ml. Most MDs and government recommendations are for far too little D3 per day to attain proper levels. For 70kg bodyweight, 0.125mg 5000IU/day is a good amount. This will raise levels over several months. This is a gram every 22 years - and D3 costs USD$2.50 a gram ex-factory. People suffering from obesity need a higher ratio of D3 per kg bodyweight.

Bolus D3, such as 10mg 400,000IU (70kg bodyweight), is needed to raise levels quickly. The best approach in clinical emergencies such as COVID-19, Kawasaki disease, Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome and sepsis is to use (for 55 to 85kg bodyweight) a single 1mg oral dose of calcifediol - which is the pharma name for 25-hydroxyvitamin D. This takes 4 hours to attain the levels the immune system needs. D3 always takes longer, no matter how much is ingested, because it takes days for enzymes in the liver to convert it to circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6803351558714204160/ and https://vitamindstopscovid.info/04-calcifediol/ .

The second approach is early treatment, with calcifediol (or bolus D3 if this is not available), ivermectin https://ivmmeta.com, melatonin https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0188440921001417 (I am yet to add this to my site) and possibly quercetin (used by Paul Marik and colleagues, along with ivermectin: https://covid19criticalcare.com/covid-19-protocols/math-plus-protocol/ ). Vitamin C, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium are also important. I list these in the introduction to my site: https://vitamindstopscovid.info . Another early treatment used by Paul Marik and colleagues, and supported by this site https://www.treatearly.org is the prescription-only SSRI fluvoxamine.

The mainstream MDs, immunologists, virologists and epidemiologists who are guiding most MDs and all governments in the increasingly desperate global, push for VACCINES! VACCINES!! VACCINES!!! are flying blind because they do not understand how the immune system needs much higher circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels than most people have without proper D3 supplementation.

There is very little D3 in food, including fortified food, or multivitamins. The skin can produce quite a lot of D3 with exposure to ultraviolet B light, but this damages DNA and so raises the risk of cancer. Vitamin D3 is a unique nutrient where a balanced diet won't help. The only answer (except for people who get arguably unhealthy levels of is UV-B skin exposure) is D3 supplementation, which is safe and inexpensive. I am 65, weigh 69kg and take 1.25mg 50,000IU D3 a week.

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Aug 16, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen

From its own description of itself, "Skeptical Inquirer is a bimonthly American general-audience magazine published by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry with the subtitle: The Magazine for Science and Reason."

It is 'skeptical' inasmuch as it works to debunk scams, frauds, and various sorts of pseudoscience. They are not skeptical in the way some of us use the term, believing that there can always be some margin for doubt around 'generally accepted' knowledge. To the contrary, they are of the mindset that the scientific method should be able to resolve matters.

As you say, "legacy media and even the CDC tarnished their reputation beyond recovery with conservatives." It is far too clear that the authorities who say "trust the science" have contorted what they do and do not take into evidence. There is every reason to be skeptical of the conclusions they draw.

BTW, on masking the 'verdict' is in. The Texas Supreme Court has upheld the governor's order prohibiting local authorities (including public school districts) from requiring masking. This is breaking news, Sunday evening, Aug 15.

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Aug 16, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen


Would be curious to what you think of this. It does answer some of your questions. Might disagree with your overall assessment that vaccine hesitation is a right/libertarian problem. I know hard core MAGA people who where first in line for vaccine and know far left who will die on the no mask/vaccine hill. Not to mention black Americans as a percent is really low here.

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Aug 16, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen

Don't most people prefer being forced to act?

And why exactly aren't children approved to receive the vaccine already? Is there a problem?

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Aug 16, 2021Liked by Geary Johansen

You are quite right to point out the partisan division in the US. The compounding challenge here is the utter corruption of corporate media, science and academia; not to mention the weaponization of multiple government agencies. Pontius Pilate would feel right at home in our time.

I hate to hear the the medical community in GB is also succumbing to the spirit of the age. Western science is all but dead. Perhaps the new Dark Age will be better? I would like to think we could take a deep breath and step back from the edge, but I see no evidence of that happening.

We disagree on the advisability of the current vaccines among all but the high risk groups (age and co-morbidity) but I appreciate your perspective and measured approach on this topic. Our betters will get around to taking you down in due course owing to your defects on other fronts. Cheers.

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Bro, you are killing it with these posts. But I question your ideological position here - you continue to try and appeal to a conservative audience. Why, on this issue? Conservatives are the demented demographic when it comes to vaccines. Super-spreader events continue to be conservative. We can debate the effectiveness of the vaccines, or we can do what science suggests we do - imperfectly, for sure. but better than acting with contempt for science.

'the economic damage caused by unnecessary lockdowns (other than the initial lockdowns, when we didn't know what we were dealing with) may well end up costing more lives, over time'.

yeah, maybe, i guess? what threat are you talking about though? like, your point is a super vague echo of a popular conservative talking point. how, exactly, is the lockdown costing lives? The last person who suggested this to me was talking about data related to deaths of despair, suicide, opiate addiction, etc. which, of course, are not causally related to the lockdowns, they are correlated. I'd like to see your evidence of the lockdowns killing people.

You were the one who convinced me to dig deeper into certain conclusions, and to consider demographic groups within demographic groups - so, specifically, the fact that liberal immigration policies harm the working poor. So why can't you do the deep dive on vaccinations, and identify that the vaccine hesitant Americans are causing most of the problems?

You identify as centrist. But your rhetoric is targeted at conservatives. Perhaps that's just the logical result of being a Quillette alumni.

'the absolute worst thing that media or politicians could suggest- if trying to get these two groups to get vaccinated- is the threat of government force and coercion. It's tantamount to telling Democrats that the vaccine program will be run by the fossil fuel industry, on a for profit basis'.

uh, no. in that the fossil fuel industry is objectively harmful, and vaccines aren't. so you expect rational pro-science types to have to appeal to conservative BS, but conservatives get to just hang out with MTG, spread the vaccine, and they get a pass? How bout we just mandate vaccines? It's happening in all sorts of industries. the army is mandating vaccines.

I don't get it. progressives have to consider conservative ideology, that harms others (we can debate the degree to which this happens, but it happens, obviously). but conservatives get a pass?

I think you, of all people, are perfectly positioned to call out BS on both sides. But you continue to focus on progressive BS. Both sides are dumb as shit. I want more people who thread the needle and make sense to both sides. You have inspired me on this front.

But you can only support conservatives over progressives, while claiming ideological neutrality, for so long, before your track record catches up to you. You may say you are not conservative, but your track record suggests that you are, at least, conservative sympathetic.

which is fine, of course. but I don't see you questioning conservative rhetoric the way you do progressive rhetoric.

I challenge you only because I respect you so much, for real. I'm back in the classroom come september, perhaps I could use some of your writing with the kids? I think that would be super cool.

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