Good to have you back Geary.

> Although there may be racism at the extreme, what liberals cannot forgive is homophily- the comfort and preference the less fortunate derive from their own culture.

That's the thing. Immigrants have always tended to move to wherever the center of gravity of their ethnic group happens to be and that's because people have a natural tendency to prefer the company of their own kind. Only whitey -- particularly Anglo whitey -- is told that this is a sin. We are told that we must welcome the end of our culture and way of life. Too much of this for too long slowly pushes people in the 'populist' direction and evil thoughts start bubbling up from the limbic brain -- which may be suppressed but which are there just the same.

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Interesting Ray yes it is just the Anglos esp. who seem to be calked the oppressors. I know we came from Irish stock and while I have no relatives who can tell me about the potato famine I’ve heard some ugly stories. We certainly weren’t the establishment born with silver spoons in our mouths and the only privilege my family enjoyed was the one to work hard. Did we forfeit our victim status by abandoning our heritage? If I had any talent, I would take up clog dancing and fiddling, learn Gaelic and make space for and defend my heritage.

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Yep, the Irish simply do not qualify for Victimhood over here, tho they wallow in it over there. The thing is that the hard facts of their victimization are very real, but Victimhood is more a state of mind -- a state of eternal self-pity that you and I are not entitled to and would probably not want even if we were.

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Ironically, Irish Americans were comparable in socio-economic conditions to the African American community today. They managed to achieve quite powerful political power at a local level in the mistaken belief that political power could do anything to substantially help them. The violence rates were comparably high per 100,000 when one takes into account the fact that the numbers back then were woefully underreported- and it all boiled down to one simple reason.

There hasn't been a single successful society in the history of the world where fathers didn't raise boys collectively when they hit puberty. Men are good at teaching teenage boys how to channel their aggression into productive activities, and are more willing to make the distinction that whilst most parents love is unconditional. respect is conditional.

Of course, there have been matriarchal societies, but without exception boys are turned over to the supervision of men as soon as they hit the age where male puberty and the aggression it brings becomes a problem. And it's not just violence and aggression, Dr Raj Chetty's landmark research on the subject of social mobility proves that the percentage of fathers in a community is more important than the quality of the education- one presumes because plumbers and electricians are just as important to the running of a functional society as college professors and doctors, with their market value largely reflecting as much, once one accounts for nearly a decade spent in education and training.

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Remember that riot in NYC in, IIRC, the 1860s when the Irish attacked the Blacks for being *above* them in the social hierarchy? Slaves were worth something, Irish were valueless.

> There hasn't been a single successful society in the history of the world where fathers didn't raise boys collectively when they hit puberty.

True, but the dysfunction of the Irish immigrants didn't hang on that, did it? The Irish had a tendency to violence and there was the problem with drink, but I don't recall reading anything about absent fathers. I myself put it mostly on historical oppression and on Market Forces -- there were simply more Irish immigrants than could be absorbed so the 'price' of their labor tanked. Andras would have loved it.

Yeah, they did grab political power, didn't they? Like Blacks today they formed a semi-permanent subclass of captured voters farmed by their supposed liberators.

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True, but the dysfunction of the Irish immigrants didn't hang on that, did it?

It's a bit difficult to unearth salient figures from that era- but, for example, children given to orphanages by unwed Irish American mothers, were shocking compared to other groups. Prostitution was also a significant factor for Irish American immigrants- one of the few ways in which an unwed mother could make a living back in those days, unless it was a matter of secret shame...

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Excellent points. One must categorize an orphan as 'absent father' too. I wonder if there's any hope of statistics on that -- the criminality or general failure of the kids who survived those orphanages. One can't help but think of Oliver Twist.

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